Kittens born at home


Ulala and Dundee's babies :


The babies, 12 days


Banzaï, seal point male, 5 weeks


From left to right, Belem, Banzaï,  behind Bamboo, 6 weeks


Belem, 12 weeks


Bamboo, 10 weeks


Banzaï, 12 weeks


Banzaï, 12 weeks


Belem, 8 months


Belem, 9 months


Belem, 12 months, Les Sables d'Olonnes's show in 2006
photo Christophe Hermeline
( Thanks toClaudie for these very nice photos ! )


Bamboo, 6 months


Bamboo, 7 months


Bamboo, 2 years


Bamboo, 2 years


Bamboo, 2,5 years


Bamboo, 2,5 years


Bamboo, 3 years


Bamboo, 3 years


Bamboo, 3 years


Banzaï, 7 months


Banzaï, 9 months



Sweety and Big Love's babies


Biboun, blue point male, 15 days


Biboun, blue point male, 15 days


Biski, seal point female, 15 days


Biboun, blue point male on the left, Biski, seal point female on the right


Biboun, 2,5 months


Biski, 3 months


Biski, 6 months
( Thank to Mrs and Mr Chatelain for this nice photo ! )


Biski, 1 year


Biski, 1 year


Biski and Manon !


Biski and Manon, 2,5 years !


Biski and Manon ( 2,5 years)
( A big thank to Eve and Yann for these splendid photos ! )


Biboun, 6 months


Biboun, 4 months


Biboun, 7 months


Biboun, 7 months


Biboun, 8 months


Biboun, 8 months


Biboun, 12 months


Biboun, 12 months


Biboun, 12 months


Biboun, 18 months


Biboun, 18 months
( Thanks to Isabelle for these nice photos ! )



Vélicia and Apache's baby


Vélicia and her baby, Baboone,
 blue point female, 12 days


Baboone, 23 days


Baboone, a month


Baboone, 6 weeks


Baboone, 3 months


Jade and Big Love's babies


Jade's babies, 15 days


Bleuenn, lilac point female, 5 weeks


Bagheera, chocolate point female, 6 weeks


Bradley, chocolate point male, 6 weeks


Bounty, lilac point male,  5 weeks


Bleuenn on the left, Bounty on the right, 9 weeks


Bagheera, 9  weeks


Bleuenn, 9 weeks


Bounty, 9 weeks


Bounty, 9 weeks


Bradley, 3 months


Bleuenn, 2 years


Bleuenn, 2 years
( A big thank to Sandrine for these splendid photos ! )


Bagheera, 6 months


Bagheera, 2 years
Thanks to Cecilia for this nice photo !


Bounty, 5 months


Bounty, 5 months


Bounty, 5 months


Bounty, 2 years, april 2008


Bounty, 2 years, summer 2008


Bounty, 3 years, summer 2009
Thanks to Carol for these nice photos !


Tijuana and Big Love's baby


Bergamote ( alias Banquise ), lilac tabby female, 12 days


Bergamote, 5 weeks !


Bergamote, 6 weeks !


Bergamote, 6 weeks


Bergamote, 9 weeks


Bergamote, 9 weeks, with Vanilla


Bergamote, 9 weeks


Bergamote, 9 weeks


Bergamote, 9 weeks


Bergamote, 9 weeks

Bergamote, 9 weeks


Bergamote, 9 weeks


Bergamote, 4 months with her new family !


Bergamote, 4 months


Bergamote, 4,5 months


Bergamote, 4,5 months


Bergamote, 6,5 months


Bergamote, 12 months


Bergamote, 12 months
A big thank to Anne-Marie for these nice photos !


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