At the Jardin des
Hesperides, 9 Birmans share our life. They are our children, we
love them, respect them and protect them, as befits our duty as
parents … and the kittens have the same rights. This means that
that there are rules that we impose upon ourselves and that we also
impose upon those who adopt our cats.
No cats shut up or in
a cage, no cats sold without being spayed or neutered, our cats do
not go outside, but they do have an enclosed garden surrounded by
wire netting. Our kittens are sold to people who respect these
conditions, in order to maintain their health because vaccination
does not protect against everything.
Our queens never have
more than one litter per year, do not start reproduction before the
age of 18 months, more often than not 2 years, and then spayed when
they are about five years old. In order to guarantee their
well-being, we sometimes place spayed or neutered adult cats,
sometimes when they are very young, because they are too exclusive
with their human friends and cannot except to live in a cat
My studs are often
also castrated and given up for adoption rapidly because their need
to mark their territory imposes a life in isolation upon them.
The quality of life
and the happiness of our cats will always be our main priority and
the breeding will always come second to this.
Unlike certain breeders, we do not select our cats according to
their the
blood group. Once they arrive, we automatically test them for FIP -
FIV and
FeLV and at the same time ask for their blood group.
This information is taken into account for mariages and pregnancies
adapted to a certain extent according to needs, but we strongly feel
that it
is our duty as a breeder to respect the natural biodiversity of the
To systematically select a single blood group, such as group A, as
breeders do, is not justified in our opinion. On the contrary we
believe it
is a heresy which could have dire consequences for the future of the
In order to guarantee
their health and well-being, in order to preserve the genealogy and
race improvement work carried out, in order to deserve of the trust
of other breeders who have given us cats, we ask everyone who wishes
to adopt one of our kittens to allow it to lead a the life of a
luxury “cushion cat”! For this reason our kittens up always spayed
or neutered before they go to live with the new family we trust to
treat them well. These conditions are stipulated on all our
reservation forms and sales certificates. This practice is strangely
enough not yet the norm in many French catteries, although it is
used all in refuges for evident reasons (protection of animals).
In our case, the
pedigree is handed over normally the day the kitten leaves the
cattery, the spaying / neutering operation is offered by us … as a
gage of future happiness for our kittens!
The cats selected for
reproduction are obviously more expensive and are only given to
breeders whom we appreciate because of their ethics, work, and the
quality of life of the cats they breed.
Thank you for your
Selection Breeding
Coulours : seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, plain and tabby
All cats tested FCoV – FIV – FeLV
All the cats are tested PKD with ADN
Genetic identification on all the breeding cats
All the studs are negative at the cardiac echography for HCM
All the cats are negative for giardia and tritrichomonas feli
Kittens raised in a family environment
All with electronic chip, vaccinations, LOOF pedigree
Follow-up of kittens once they leave the cattery
Miss Maignan Pascale
12 rue du Champ Bouin
22400 Noyal
Phone : 00 (33) /
Cell Phone : 00 (33)